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The price of the dollar today and exchange rate December 27, 2022

The price of the dollar today and exchange rate December 27, 2022

When starting operations, the dollar price The American trades this Tuesday in December at an average of 19.39 the sale and purchase at 19.38 in exchange houses located at the International Airport “Benito Juarez” of the Mexico City.

The exchange rate At the window it is at 19.71 pesos for sale at BBVA Mexico, while Banamex offers the dollar at 19.84 pesos and Banco de México at 19,338 units.

Know the price of the dollar for today, Tuesday, December 27.

Intercam is at 19.9009 pesos for sale, according to For its part, the bank that buys the most expensive green bill is Monex, at 20.41 pesos.

Parity and exchange rate peso-dollar

Meanwhile, to make payments of obligations in official institutions, the peso-dollar exchange rate is valued at 19.40 Mexican pesos. In the SAT, the dollar is valued at 19.4287

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth NewsBanco Azteca maintains the sale of the dollar at 19.49 pesos, while the currency is listed at Banco Base at 19.81 Mexican pesos.

The price of the dollar for today Tuesday, December 27, 2022 in the exchange rate is 19.40 pesos in Mexico.

The peso appreciated after touching its weakest level in more than five weeks the day before, but outlined accumulated losses both in the week and in January while the rise in anti-covid-19 infections and the challenges in the vaccination process weigh on the spirit of the investors.

The euro was sold at the window according to at a maximum of 20.63 pesos, while the purchase is at 20.65 pesos; the pound sterling was offered at 23.44 pesos and was acquired at 23.46 pesos.

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