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The PRO leaders will seek this afternoon an electoral solution that avoids internal confrontation and the rise of Milei

Mauricio Macri, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich and María Eugenia Vidal, Federico Angelini, Cristian Ritondo, Diego Santilli and Fernando de Andreis, at the PRO meeting on April 28

The top leaders of the PRO They will try this afternoon to advance towards electoral definitions that will allow a truce to be reached in the hard fight that the axis maintains. Mauricio Macri-Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodriguez Larreta. The internal one in the Buenos aires city and in the Buenos Aires province will be put on the table in the second meeting of the “permanent dialogue table” of the party, which debuted on April 28 in a meeting held at Jorge Triaca’s house, in San Isidro.

Now, at 5:00 p.m., in a place that nobody wants to reveal to avoid the presence of photographers and journalists, Macri, Rodríguez Larreta, Bullrich, María Eugenia Vidal, Federico Angelini, Cristian Ritondo, Diego Santilli and Fernando de Andreis will meet again to try to prevent an all-or-nothing war in the PRO, while the climate of infighting brings consequences: various surveys record a low in the image of Together for Change and a ascent of the libertarian Javier Miley.

“The decision is not to evade the issues that we have to discuss yes or yes anticipated a leader who was in contact with his peers to prepare the new summit on Monday. In their first meeting, the members of the so-called “permanent dialogue table” were more concerned with giving a sign of unity with a joint photo. Over there they did not speak about the candidacies in the city of Buenos Aires and in the province and focused their talk on the economic situation and the incorporation of the liberal Jose Luis Espert Together for Change, a topic that was approved for everyone present.

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Mauricio Macri and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, upon arriving at Jorge Triaca’s house, on April 28

After the meeting at Triaca’s house, last Tuesday night a meeting took place in San Isidro reserved food in which 2 representatives designated by Macri, Larreta, Bullrich and Vidal began to Preparing the terrain to try to reach electoral agreements. De Andres and Jorge Triaca were present, representing Macri; Santilli and Federico Di Benedetto, by Rodríguez Larreta; Angelini and Juan Pablo Arenaza, for Bullrich, and Alex Campbell and Federico Salvai for Vidal.

There were no major definitions in that contact, although they were analyzed alternatives to resolve the confrontations in CABA and the province that aggravated the tension in the PRO and that helped to miley grew higher in the polls. From the meeting of this “containment subtable” an incipient climate of rapprochement emerged that will allow the meeting on Monday to address specific the subject of nominations. Is there a pre-agreement between all of them? They assure that no, although the bases were laid so that the electoral discussions “go to the bone” without delay.

The new summit meeting of the PRO will be held after the resignation election of Vidal and Soledad Acuña and shortly after the photo promoted by Rodríguez Larreta as a gesture of strength in the internal, anticipated by Infobae, to show almost the entire Buenos Aires cabinet in support of Fernan Quiros, his candidate for head of government, in command of the larretismo campaign, in the Belgrano neighborhood. there obviously Jorge Macri will not be there, Buenos Aires government minister and mayor of Vicente López on leave, who is the candidate promoted by the former president and Bullrich to succeed Larreta.

Patricia Bullrich and María Eugenia Vidal after the resignation of the former governor to the presidential candidacy

Another issue that has turned on the warning lights in the opposition in the last hour is that The “hawks” of the PRO now want to stop the incorporation of Espert to Together for Change. They blame him for having shared on Twitter – and then having deleted – an article in which he compared the allegations of corruption between Julio de Vido, Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri.

“I should ask apologies. You cannot put Mauricio at the level of Cristina or De Vido. Or is he going to join a corrupt space? ”, ironized a tough PRO reference. The setback is not minor: the figure of Espert in the PvC space was the bet for capture the liberal vote and try to put a stop to the flight of votes towards Milei. Until now, the only thing that has not been defined is whether the Avanza Libertad deputy was going to be a presidential candidate or a Buenos Aires governor. Today, wobbles his incorporation to JxC.

will arise concrete agreements during the PRO meeting this afternoon? It seems very difficult, but the need not to lose votes in an electorate that demands unity can be determinant.

Keep reading:

Three months after the PASO, in Together for Change the political discussion for the assembly of the lists is accelerated
Without a defined electoral strategy, the government does not rule out that a PJ governor is a candidate for president
Patricia Bullrich: “Milei grows, and in JxC our proposal grows because it is linked to the disruptive”
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