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The project to impeach the Court has already entered Congress and summons governors as witnesses

Saturday January 14, 2023 | 10:13 a.m.

Just 24 hours after the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, called for extraordinary sessions of Congress, the block of National Deputies of the Frente de Todos entered the draft resolution that proposes the impeachment of the members of the Court Supreme Court of Justice

The document proposes to open the process for poor performance of functions and was presented this Friday by the deputy Eduardo Valdés. There, the summons of the four judges to the Impeachment Committee in Congress is contemplated, and of an important number of witnesses, among which are the governors who endorsed the request. “Although we are a minority because the opposition says that it will not give a quorum, with the future of conclusive evidence” the project “could add greater support and build majorities,” said legislator Valdez after the presentation.

The call for summons also includes Silvio Robles, advisor to the president of the Court Horacio Rosatti, and Marcelo D’Alessandro, Buenos Aires Minister of Security, both denounced for planning a strategy to arrange the benches of the Council of the Magistracy. Renowned jurists such as Eugenio Zaffaroni, Baltasar Garzón and Eduardo Barcesat were also included in the text, together with officials and experts that make up the institutions of the Judiciary, such as Héctor Marchi, Joaquín Alperovich, Carmen Odasso, María Cristina Interlandi, Enrique de Vedia or Oscar Fernandez.

“The governors are the only natural agents of the federal government, according to the Constitution, and therefore they must be heard in all these matters and the Court did not consult them. That shows the partiality of this court,” Eduardo Valdés said in statements to Telam. Both the governors who signed the request for impeachment as well as the Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro, and the Attorney General of the Nation’s Treasury, Carlos Zannini, will be summoned if the project is approved.

Also among those summoned are the Minister of Human Rights of the Nation, Horacio Pietragalla, and social and political organizations such as the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo; Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line; CHILDREN; CELS; the APDH; the Argentine League for Human Rights; the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights; and the Historical and Social Memory Foundation of Argentina, among others.

“Although the list adds up to 35 summonses, plus that of the four judges of the Court, the list could be expanded, since the project also establishes that secretaries and employees of the highest court that the commission considers will contribute to the investigation appear to declare. “, maintains the text of the project. In this sense, Eduardo Valdés promised a “public and televised trial facing society.”

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