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The province of Buenos Aires criminally denounced Robles and D’Alessandro

The province of Buenos Aires presented this Wednesday before the federal courts of La Plata a criminal complaint against the spokesman of the Supreme Court, Silvio Robles; and the Minister of Security and Justice of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Marcelo D’Alessandro; for conduct that would constitute, among others, the crimes of influence peddling and breach of the duties of a public official.

“Historically, our province is the most harmed by the co-participation scheme, a situation that is now aggravated by a decision that is not only unfair and illegal by the Supreme Court, but also would have been the product of influence peddling by Supreme Court officials and of the government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires”they indicated in the Buenos Aires government.

“In this way, they intend to take away resources that correspond to the provinces to grant them to the richest city in the country and thus finance the presidential campaign of the Head of Government”they added in reference to the spokesman for the president of the Supreme Court and the Buenos Aires Minister of Security and Justice.

In a brief but harsh statement, the provincial authorities indicated that “it should be remembered that the provinces were never heard by the Supreme Court despite the repeated requests submitted in a timely manner.”

“Today the National Congress is processing the impeachment trial against the Court for various conducts contrary to what the National Constitution dictates,” they continued and closed: “The facts denounced today must be investigated by prosecutors and judges who are truly independent. This completely illegal political arrangement must be prevented. It is up to us to defend federalism and the province of Buenos Aires”.

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