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The reaction on social networks to the conquest of the league title by Barcelona at the Espanyol stadium

FC Barcelona has sealed its conquest of the league title with a resounding victory over Espanyol in the Catalan derby! Social networks have become a true virtual party, with fans of the Catalans enthusiastically celebrating the achievement of their team.

Euphoria and joy have overflowed on Twitter, Instagram and other platforms, where Barcelona fans have expressed their pride and admiration for the players and the coaching staff. Congratulatory messages and champion emoticons flood the profiles of Blaugrana fans.

On the other hand, Espanyol fans, although resigned with the defeat, have also used social networks to thank their team for the effort made throughout the season and show their support in difficult times.

Barcelona, ​​LaLiga champions / JOSEPH LAKE/GettyImages

FC Barcelona has won the league title at the Espanyol stadium. The culé team has completed a great game and has managed to leave Espanyol far behind, which has many ballots to go down to the second division. The great player of the match was Alejandro Balde who scored his first goal with the Barça shirt.

The performance of both teams has been tarnished as a result of a bittersweet ending because of the Espanyol fans. The Barça players were celebrating winning the league title in midfield, and they had to sprint to the changing rooms because some fans of the parakeet team came down to the pitch with the intention of attacking them.

In summary, the victory of FC Barcelona and the achievement of the league title has unleashed a veritable avalanche of emotions on social networks. Here we show it:

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