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The real impact of Biden’s immigration policies on our city

The real impact of Biden's immigration policies on our city

The policy of releasing undocumented immigrants on parole or alternatives to administration detention Biden, was created to mitigate the problems of illegal border crossings by facilitating alternative entry for ineligible individuals directly into the US. However, this initiative has effectively led to an open border policy, triggering numerous challenges and difficulties in communities throughout the state of Florida.

Indeed, the political shortsightedness of the current administration has led to the creation of border cities across the country, leading to increased crime, increased homelessness, and increased pressure on security personnel. and public services.

A recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies highlights that under this program since October 2022, Florida has witnessed the arrival of almost 326,000 migrants. The Biden administration’s inadequate planning and execution has forced our local communities to provide varied care, support, and integration services to tens of thousands of immigrant adults and children. Currently, the city of Hialeah, which has historically been hospitable to immigrants, faces a budget problem due to the reception of these new immigrants.

The inability of the administration to act decisively and the lack of transparency related to the impact of this program, they have left the cities to their own fate.

The argument that this program is an effective measure to manage immigration falls flat in the face of the real consequences experienced by communities struggling to cope with the new influx of immigrants. Local governments are always the first to respond to the repercussions of these federal policies, and yet we find ourselves at the back of the line when it comes to being consulted or informed about these decisions that directly affect our communities.

The challenges facing Hialeah indicate that the way immigration has been addressed has failed because the capabilities and resources of local governments have not been respected. Over the last year, the number of mobile homes or RVs permanently parked in residential areas has increased in the city. Now it has become commonplace to see three or four mobile homes parked in the entrances and backyards of homes.

The burden of the Biden administration’s policies can no longer be borne by local communities. The time to debate comprehensive immigration reform, although necessary, is a luxury that we cannot afford in the face of this current crisis. Immediate action is required to secure our borders or consider drastic measures such as a federal government shutdown to force a reassessment of our immigration policies. There is no issue more important than the current border crisis.

The time for half measures and political rhetoric is over. We demand practical solutions. The US needs a new approach to immigration policy that aims to make our borders a priority, demonstrating a clear commitment to the well-being and security of American communities.

And Hialeah, We are already working to mitigate this burden without the funds provided by the Biden administration. And, as Mayor, I will ensure that our community does not suffer the same fate as the cities of San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles or New York.

By: Esteban “Steve” Bovo, Mayor of the City of Hialeah and Chairman of the Florida Republican Mayors Association

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