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The Red Cross receives a donation from a mobile clinic

The Valuación y Servicios Integrados SA de CV company, through its representative José Gilberto Ortíz, donated the mobile unit in gratitude to Dr. Pedro Lopez, who collaborates with the Mexican Red Cross Chihuahua Delegation.

The delivery event will take place today, May 12, at the facilities of the Red Cross located on Juan Escutia Avenue, where the President of the Red Cross Chihuahua Delegation, Luis Raúl Olivas, the Medical Director of the Red Cross, Doctor Pedro López and the representative of the company VSi, Gilberto Ortiz.

Engineer Ortiz, comments “the unit is named Doctor Pedro López in recognition of the work of the Doctor in the Red Cross and also recognizing the availability of the institution at the service of citizens.”

The Mobile Unit has everything necessary to provide adequate medical care to all citizens who need it.

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