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The reindeer herder about the wind power plans: “They want to build and we just have to be careful”

In Storlandet, Vattenfall wants to build up to 373 wind turbines. The area stretches for several miles, between the Granlandet nature reserve and the Råne River. Hanna Persson shows around one of the areas that is rich in hanging lichen. Hanging lichen, which is only found in old forest and which is important for the reindeer, especially when there is poor grazing or it is difficult to reach down to the ground pasture.

– It feels like a disaster if there is a wind farm here. I don’t know how to manage reindeer husbandry the way we have been doing it, in the middle of an industrial landscape, she says.

Vattenfall has reduced the size of the investigation area since the last consultation round three years ago. But they increase the number of wind turbines, from 120 to a maximum of 373. To meet the upcoming need for electricity.

A new round of consultations

Vattenfall is holding a series of consultations right now, with various stakeholders, the public and the two municipalities.

– With the wind turbines, there will be a lot of infrastructure in the form of roads and power lines. And all companies see their area separately, you don’t see the whole, but there is a park here, a park there and test drilling by mining companies. There is pressure from all sides, says Hanna Persson.

Vattenfall has reduced the area now, can you not consult on a solution?

– It is good, but it is a minimal reduction. Of course we participate in the consultations. But it doesn’t feel like it’s on equal terms. They want to build and we have to be careful.

Listening for the bleating of the reindeer

Hanna Persson has followed the reindeer in the forest since she was a child. She stops the scooter and raises another concern, the sound. During the bare land period, you find the reindeer in the forest by listening for the reindeer carrying antlers.

– We carry out reindeer husbandry like this. It is not always so easy to find the reindeer in the forest, but how can we listen for the sounds among 370 wind turbines?

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