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The Rental Law will remain as it is until after March

The call for extraordinary sessions of Congress, which included 27 projects to be debated on the agenda, does not contemplate the Contract Law Rentand the two initiatives that received an opinion last year, must wait for the regular session, starting in March for their treatment at the venue.

Tenants who must renew or update their leases rent they will find strong increases in the monthly rental fee. In January, the coefficient of increase reached 84% and according to some real estate specialists, at the end of February the increases could be around 90%.

Owners and tenants must wait for the reform of the Rental Law. Source: (LMNeuquén).

The norm that governs the contracts of rentwhich has been in force since July 2020, establishes to calculate the update the Index for Rental Contracts (ICL)calculated by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA).

The calculation to obtain the ICL arises from the average between the Consumer Price Index (CPI), determined by INDEC, and the Average Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers (RIPTE). Also, the same Law establishes a duration of three years for the contracts of location.

The reform of the Law will seek to increase the supply of rentals and lower the rates of increase. Source: (RN Newspaper).

None of the initiatives that are found with an opinion in Deputies, has the necessary consensus for the sanctionbut since they were not included in the agenda for the extraordinary sessions, the debate was postponed for the ordinary legislative period that begins in March.

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