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The richest one percent is even richer; extreme wealth and poverty skyrocket, warn

For the first time in a quarter of a century, the world is experiencing a simultaneous increase in extreme wealth and poverty, to the extent that The wealthiest one percent of the population has hoarded almost two-thirds of the wealth generated in the years since the covid pandemicwhile more than 820 million people, approximately one in 10 on the planet, go hungry, denounced oxfam.

The accelerated inequality is such that the fortune of billionaires increases by 2.7 billion dollars every day, while the wages of at least 1.7 billion workers, more than the population of India, grow below inflation., contextualized. This law of the richest is anchored in the tax benefits that have been given to economic elites for decades, the organization expanded.

In the routine of each year, with the beginning of the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Oxfam presented a report on inequality. In it, he explained that such is the magnitude of the benefits that the world’s wealthiest people have obtained from the crisis, that With his earnings of four days, it would be enough to eliminate extreme poverty in Mexico for a year and with those of 42 days, general poverty would be eliminated.

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As an example of those benefits, 95 large energy and food companies have more than doubled their profits in the past yearwhich reached 306 billion dollars, and allocating 257 billion (84 percent) to remunerate its shareholders.

“This extraordinary increase in the wealth of the economic elites is due to decades of tax cuts and exclusive benefits for the richest”accused Oxfam.

Like it shows Elon Muskone of the wealthiest men in the world, who, according to information obtained by Pro Publica, paid a real rate of around 3 percent between 2014 and 20218, while a microenterprise in Mexico must pay 30 percent for income tax. rent.

Oxfam is one of the organizations that have called for temporary solidarity taxes on wealth and windfall profits.

In the report presented, The Law of the Richest, shows that with a 5 percent tax on the wealth of Carlos Slim, owner of América Móvil, it would be possible to capture 4.1 billion dollars, an amount sufficient to hire 250,000 teachers. .

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AL, inequality factory

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the wealth of its billionaires increased 21 percent, five times faster than the region’s gross domestic product, which did so at 3.9 percent, while 12 million people fell into extreme poverty due to the crisis unleashed by the pandemic, while 30 millionaires increased their fortunes so much that they became super-rich.

“Our response to the pandemic created 400,000 people in extreme poverty for every new super-rich”highlighted the organization.

Above all lies Carlos Slimthe wealthiest man in Mexico, Latin America and one of the 10 richest in the world.

Oxfam explains that Slim’s wealth has grown 42 percent ($25.5 billion) since the start of the pandemic, $787 million a month, or $26 million a day, in a country with 8.5 percent of its population living in extreme poverty. Even with and without the pandemic, his fortune has multiplied by 5 in the past 22 years, due to an average growth of 3.2 billion dollars annually.

The organization gives as an example the Mexican magante, owner of Carso Groupwho This tax could raise four thousand 100 million dollars, a figure that would be enough to hire 250,000 teachers in Mexico.

Among the examples of the organization, Slim also comes up, who says that a high percentage of the media in Mexico are owned by the richest man in the country. In addition, he mentions the cases of Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg Y rupert murdochin the United States, among other cases.

The report proposes eliminating unfair bonuses, tax breaks and deductions that benefit those at the top of the income ladder.

“In Mexico, for example, 86% of income tax deductions on expenses that are applied for medical and dental treatment benefit the richest 10% of the population,” points.

“While ordinary people make daily sacrifices on essentials like food, the super-rich have surpassed even their wildest dreams. After just two years, this decade is already shaping up to be the best yet for billionaires: a golden decade of economic boom for the world’s richest.”he claimed Gabriela BucherExecutive Director of Oxfam International.

“Taxing the super rich and big business higher is a gateway to the multiple crises we are currently facing. It’s time to debunk the myth that tax cuts for the rich will somehow end up benefiting the rest. Forty years of tax cuts for the super-rich have shown that waves of privilege only end up benefiting them.” pointed.

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