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“The richest societies are those that have developed knowledge”, claimed the president | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Thursday May 4, 2023 | 4:37 p.m.

President Alberto Fernández affirmed this Thursday that “betting on science and education is betting on the future” and called for “choosing well”, in reference to the next general elections: “In these times where we have to choose the future, let us choose well” he insisted.

“The government that preceded us did a work in a university. We are doing 167 works in all the universities of the country, with an investment of more than 50 billion pesos,” the president remarked when inaugurating the new Manuel Dorrego Judicial School and the new building for the María Remedios del Valle classrooms at the National University of Lanús.

Fernández highlighted the importance of public education and of the universities located in Greater Buenos Aires to give “possibilities” to the residents of those districts to access higher education and maintained that the infrastructure works in this field are not “any kind expense, as some say”, but are an “investment”.


The Head of State drew a parallel between the new houses of higher studies and what the creation of the University of Buenos Aires meant at the beginning of the 19th century.

“It was necessary to have a university nearby to stop sending children to Córdoba, Chuquisaca or Europe. It is the same logic with which we promote these universities, in Greater Buenos Aires or in other parts of the country,” he said.

“What the UBA is teaching us is that in order for people to study, the university must be brought closer to the people, and not wait for people to come to the university,” he added.

For the President, the new institutions prevent “uprooting” and make it possible for “first generation university students” to enter.

Claim of public education

The head of state visited UNLa this Thursday, accompanied by the Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis, and by the head of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, while he was received by the rector Ana Jaramillo.

During his tour, Fernández visited the new classroom building and highlighted that a new space will be built in an old gallon nearby that will bear the name of Juan José Valle, a soldier who led a rebellion against the self-styled Liberating Revolution and that the President described as ” one of the martyrs of Argentina”.

800 million pesos will be contributed to UNLa: “They are well destined. In a short time the works will begin and we will be able to enjoy a building like this. In these times that we are going to choose the future, let us choose well. Here we are betting on the future” .

“We believe a lot in public education. A country that does not bet on science and technology is a country without a future in the times we live in. The more spaces like this we open, the better the society we will have. There is no type of expense , as some say, there is investment,” said Fernández.

He further noted that “the richest and most egalitarian societies are those that have developed knowledge, not those that have gold, silver, or oil.”

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