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The Right Bra Improves Running by 7%, Study Says | metropolises

The advantages of a running bra are not restricted to breast support. Scientific research has shown that wearing the right bra during this physical activity can improve breathing performance and speed in runners by up to 7%. With tops that provide better support, there is also less impact on the knees, according to a study published in Frontiers of Sports this Friday (21/04).

“Our research has shown that the right bra does not only influence the movement of the breasts during running, but compensations made throughout the body”, said orthopedist Douglas Powell, one of the authors of the work, in a press release.

Better even for the knees

Research has shown that women with bras that fit the size of their breasts had a 7% reduction in oxygen consumption in physical tests that were performed.

The work had 13 volunteers: each of them had to run at different treadmill speeds wearing different bras and tops. The impact on the knees was less when they wore more reinforced bras, which allowed them to have greater balance and speed than when they wore clothes less suitable for sports.

“These compensations that women in inadequate tops make while running reduce speed, increase their risk of injury and cause them to develop breast and back pain,” added Powell.

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The orthopedist pointed out that previous studies had already shown that 72% of women who are occasional runners have already reported having felt pain in the breasts for using an inadequate bra model.

“The sports bra is not just an accessory, it is equipment that improves performance and reduces the risk of injury, so it is actually an important article for women’s health”, concluded the orthopedist.

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