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The RN files a bill aimed at “establishing the pension reform of Marine Le Pen”

In reaction to the rejection of the second request for a referendum by the Constitutional Council, the National Rally group in the National Assembly indicated that it had tabled a text to “prevent retirement at 64”.

The group of RN deputies, led by Marine Le Pen, on Wednesday in turn tabled a bill to “prevent retirement at 64”, after the rejection of a referendum request made by the left.

Their proposal, resulting from the program of the former candidate for the Élysée, is to “establish a minimum starting age at 60 for French people who worked before the age of 20, and gradually up to 62”, according to a communicated.

The text “also provides for a contribution period of between 40 and 42 annual installments depending on the age of entry into the labor market, against the 43 annual installments imposed by the Borne-Macron law”.

An “unfair, unnecessary” reform

The rejection of a second request for a shared initiative referendum (RIP) on pensions, Wednesday by the Constitutional Council, “acknowledges the fact that only the vote of parliamentarians and the ballot will allow the French to reverse this unjust reform , useless and imposed by Emmanuel Macron,” said the far-right group.

“This bill will be submitted to the vote of Parliament or to a referendum when Marine Le Pen is elected President of the Republic,” he said again.

The text will also serve as a point of support for the deputies of the National Rally on June 8, the day of examination of a proposal by the independent group Liot to repeal the pension reform.

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