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The role-playing game Be Like a Cat is launched on Kickstarter

You can’t find too many traditional pen-and-paper role-playing games on the bookshelf, and the latest in the line to make a big splash is the original, to say the least, Be Like a Cat. An adventure experience for one or two players where you get the chance to explore the world from a cat’s perspective. Eat, play, sleep and find a place to live in a fictional world filled with different possibilities. The game’s creators promise plenty of choice and variety with a relatively unique game system based around a collection of hexagons that all represent different events, and with the T66 system at the bottom controlling everything.

kickstarters continues for 23 more days and has so far managed to collect over SEK 250,000 and offers a wide range of different add-ons depending on how much money you are willing to put in.

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