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The Russia-Africa summit or how a new international order is emerging

The Russia-Africa summit or how a new international order is emerging
The past 27 and 28 of July Vladimir Putin met, in St. Petersburgwith delegations from 49 African countries to celebrate the second edition of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum. They asked him to go back to grain compact and he replied with a forgiveness of the debt of 20,000 million dollars and the promise to give them – to six of them – grain. Almost simultaneously, a coup rocked Niger on the 26th, where a pulse is being maintained between France and Russia. This is, without a doubt, one more piece in this puzzle that is already taking shape more and more clearly from a world divided into two antagonistic blocs.
In addition to everything that has already been highlighted in other chronicles, we should highlight a couple of formal aspects of the summit that are obvious when checking the videos. First of all, the arrivals, the receptions at the airport and at the meeting place: smiles, complicity, hugs or even kisses on the cheeks, as was the case with the president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa. Secondly, the table, round, all equal, at least the 17 Heads of State who met with putin. Around that table, third detail, the speeches. The rhetoric was not anti-russianbut rather anticolonialist: the term colonial –and its derivatives– was cited 20 times and, specifically, the expression “colonial yoke” appeared on the lips of the representative of Libya and from the Central African Republic.

The entire meeting was a sweet harmonious melody for the hatreds of putinwho took the line from the anti-colonial struggle: «For decades, we have invariably provided support during the difficult struggle of African countries against colonialism. Unfortunately, some manifestations of colonialism have not been eradicated to this day, and are still practiced by the former colonial powers, including in the economic, information and humanitarian spheres.” In response, the African counterpart showered him with praise, such as when Assimi Goitaleader of malithanked putin your “support and friendship”, or Faustin Archange TouaderaPresident of Central African Republicthanked that Russia would have saved their democracy and avoided a civil war.

It is true what you say Vivien Doherty Luduvice In the diary The country: «Russia, like China, tries to appeal to the disharmony of African nations with Western powers on some issues such as the response to the war in Ukraine, as part of the search for new forms of association with what some call the ‘global South’”. Russia has found a gold mine and is not going to let it go. Yet they err Alba Vega Tapia and Anastasia Herranz Lespagnol in an IEEE document about “the Kremlin’s repeated claim to redefine the current world order and replace it with a new ‘multipolar’ system, vindicating the so-called “Global South” and protect the sovereignty and integrity of nations, against the alleged Western neocolonial interference what denounces Russia as the basis of their influence campaigns in Africa”, for it is not that Russia “pretends”, but that they are the African nations themselves – with some exceptions, such as that of Morocco– those who have had enough of one Europe who only sees in Africa a continent for his own usufruct.

Even when asked to end the war in Ukrainewas made in almost aseptic terms: «That is why I call, once again, for an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine (…) I must say that the African (peace) Initiative deserves paramount attention and should not be underestimated said the president of Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso. Or as the president of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat: «This war must end. And it can only end on the basis of justice and reason.”

In a bilateral meeting, the president of eritrea, Isaias Afwerkiwent rather to the opposite side of neutrality and went so far as to affirm: «When people talk about Russia and Ukraine, I say that there is no Russia-Ukraine war at all, there is no Russia-Ukraine conflict. This is a war that was declared by the NATO against Russia. The war declared by NATO on Russia is not only against Russia; their goal is to dominate the entire world.” Music to the ears of putin. By the way, eritrea is one of the beneficiaries of the grain surplus from the Russian harvest: «We will be prepared to supply Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, mali, Somalia, Central African Republic and eritrea between 25,000 and 50,000 tons of free cereal in the next three or four months”, was the commitment of putin.

Is the summit an example of choreography in the purest North Korean style? Does all this staging obey a pure posturing? Or is there something deeper, a genuine rapprochement of these countries to Russiabreaking the siege established by the NATO countries and its allies to show that “Russia is alone” in its invasion of Ukraine?

By the way, a well-known character in our continent walked around there, among African leaders, taking photos and offering his services: Yevgeny Prigozhin. she was not in belarus that day, it seems, but a few meters from putin. In truth, we have not the remotest idea of ​​what happened the night of San Juan; what does seem evident is that they fooled us.

Something more serious seems the coup in nigerwhere he wagner group maybe it has something to do with it. For now, it must be made clear that the Deposed leader was pro-French and that the insurgents have received immediate support from Russia. In addition, they have been seen russian flags among the protesters who support the coup. For his part, France has canceled a multi-million dollar aid that they had been promised, Niger has responded by banning the export of gold and uranium to Francethe EU has condemned in the strongest terms the blow to democracy and the ECOWAS African has threatened to promote a Military intervention. Just a piece of information, to frame the thing well: Niger is the principal EU uranium supplierin front of Kazakhstan and of Russia. Besides, France buy uranium to Niger (35%), Kazakhstan (29%), uzbekistan (26%) and Australia (10%).

return the anti-imperialist rhetoric, anti-colonialist and anti-european. Welcome to the Cold War 2.0or to the one that never left at all,… or to the first bars of the Third World war? No new world order was born out of agreement and dialogue, all of them, in history, were the fruit of bloody conflicts. What did you say Enrique Díez-Canedo Reixa in his famous poem the day begins: «May battles never emerge, among the golden harvests of history, bloody poppies».

He, who was ambassador of Spain in view of Uruguay (1933-34) and Argentina (1936-1937), was well aware of human nature and that it constantly returned again and again to the war solution. In the meantime, it should be remembered that in the declaration of the NATO in Vilnius barely a month ago, the main security threat euro-atlantic is divided equally between Russia and terrorism -which comes from the sahelregion in which it is located Niger, by the way-. In that document, Russia is cited 65 times and China only 15, but we all know that USA look out of the corner of your eye not to Moscow but to… beijing.

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