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The Russian detained by Migrations in Ezeiza escaping from the war requested political asylum

a citizen Russian tried to enter our country on a flight that departed from his native nation. However, having the orange alert from Interpol, because his passport had been reported as stolen, he was detained at the Ezeiza international airport. He himself was the one who indicated to the authorities that his travel document was denounced, but he said it was by mistake.

He Russian by name, Valentin Kazantsev, presented a series of arguments in which he states that he traveled to Argentina because he does not want to participate in the Russo-Ukrainian war, named by the Russian forces as a “military special operation”, since naming it as a war has sanctions for the soldiers. In addition, he requested the Justice to be considered a political refugee in our country.

Valentin Kazantsev arrived in Argentina on Friday with his wife and son.

Besides, Liliana Borysiuk, the man’s lawyer Russian who arrived with his wife and son in Argentina, claimed a habeas corpus for humanitarian reasons and reinforced the arguments that say that the situation of Bazantsev’s passport is due to an error. Due to the aforementioned request to be a political refugee, the case was left in the hands of the Executive branch. Until now, the habeas corpus was rejected by Judge Luis Armella.

Prosecutor Incardona participated in the hearing on the Bazantsev case, alleging that this particular situation should not be considered similar to the habeas corpus that he himself filed for four pregnant women who were detained by Migration last Friday. Regarding the issue of pregnant women, Migration was unable to determine why it would not allow them access to the country, nor was it able to associate them with a network that delivers false documents to obtain an Argentine visa.

The PSA was instructed to deport the Russian, but the action was blocked by CONARE.

How the Russian applied for political asylum

Because Bazantsev’s lawyer foresaw that the judge could reject the requested habeas corpus, and she did so today, she herself sent an email to the National Commission for Refugees (CONARE). Subsequently, this Monday she formally submitted the petition to incorporate her client as a political refugee.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been at war with Ukraine since he invaded on February 24, 2022.

Because the request for political asylum must go through the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, INADI and the Ministry of the Interior, the process that determines the acceptance or rejection of the request can take up to a year. “You have to understand that when you escape from a country at war, you escape with what you have” they highlight the man’s passport reported by Interpol Russian.

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