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The Samsung Pad Duo charger is less than 10 €

At Amazon, the Samsung Pad Duo charger is €9.95.

Thanks to a immediate reduction of 50% and a cumulative refund offer, the Samsung Pad Duo charger goes from €59.90 to €9.95. An exceptional offer not to be missed.

The Samsung Pad Duo wireless charger is at a knockdown price

It is thanks to two cumulative offers that you will benefit from such a rare offer. Indeed, the site offers a 50% discount in order to raise the price to €29.95 and thanks to a ODR of 20 €you will only pay €9.95.

To pay less than €10 for this charger, you will have to buy the product no later than March 31, 2023 and then complete the form by providing the supporting documents requested. You will then receive your refund by bank transfer.

Regarding the charger, it is very practical and easy to use. All you have to do is put your smartphone or similar directly on it to recharge it. The LED indicator will inform you about the progress of the charge: in red charging in progress, in green device charged to 100%. In order not to disturb you at night, the light will be dimmed.

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