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The Saudi Arabian government released an American it had imprisoned for some tweets

The government of Saudi Arabia released Saad Ibrahim Almadi, a US citizen who had been sentenced to 19 years in prison for criticizing the government through a series of tweets in November 2021. Although he was released from jail, he is still banned from traveling, according to his son Ibrahim, who indicated that he is with his father at his home in the city of Riyadh.

The Saudi has American citizenship.

According to the young man, “all charges have been dropped, but now we have to fight so he can cross the border.”. Despite this and the photo Ibrahim shared with AFP, no source in the US government or Saudi Arabia They commented on the subject.

The man, who lived his retirement in Florida, was arrested after he visited the capital of the Asian nation at the end of 2021, when he traveled to Riyadh to visit his family. The charges that Saudi Arabia raised against this individual were to give funds to “terrorism” and work with the objective of destabilizing the kingdom.

He has been in prison since November 2021.

The relationship between the United States and the middle eastern crown It has gotten worse in recent months, not only because of the different cases of American citizens who ended up behind bars, but also because of fights related to oil, OPEC, and the closeness that the historic ally of Washington DC began to have not only with Russia.a country that suffers several sanctions due to the war, but also with China, the main socioeconomic rival that the American nation has in international politics.

tweeter hell

But Almadi’s case is not the only one, since several people suffered the same fate for the comments they made on social networks, and not all of them have the US citizenship that this individual possesses. Without going any further, public television showed images of prisoners imprisoned for 15 years due to the sayings they made on the bird’s social network.

Like Saad Ibrahim Almadi, several people were jailed for their comments on Twitter.

“There are too many people detained here who do not have the benefits of foreign citizenship to be able to bring attention to their cases,” said Abdullah Alaoudh, Saudi director of Al Jazeera’s Middle Eastern Freedom initiative. “The case of Almadi shows that the pressure from the United States works and that they should continue with this in order to improve the situation,” he concluded.

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