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The school basket, 110% up: stationery, among the most expensive and missing

The prices of the tools have a wide variation, depending on quality and quantity / THE DAY

Families who already anticipate the purchases linked to the beginning of classes will face a school basket that is 110 percent more expensive than last year. For this reason, in the bookstore and stationery sector, they recommend anticipating purchases to get the items, choose prices and spend less.

Daniel Iglesias López, president of the Argentine Chamber of Stationery, Bookstores and Related Products, assures that the supplies are the most accessible in the school basket, which includes clothing and fees -in the case of those who attend private schools-.

“To go shopping you have to have common sense because in this area there is everything, but the supplies for a first or second grade boy cost between 3 and 4 thousand pesos,” says the leader.

To graph with numbers, he points out that a notebook of a leading brand, hard cover, lined, costs 330 pesos and another with a soft cover and 50 sheets can be obtained for 195 pesos.

Pencils range from 30 to 150 pesos, a pencil sharpener costs 55 pesos and an excellent quality eraser costs 100 pesos.

The cartridge cases start at 500 pesos and 12 colored pencils from a second brand are 330 pesos.

“If you think that sitting down to have a coffee costs 550 pesos, it is not expensive to spend less than that amount on pencils that will last all year. But you have to see how the purchase is made and have common sense because in the bookstore you can take everything spending from 3 to 5 thousand pesos or 50 thousand when you buy licensed products, those advertised on television, “says Iglesias.

In relation to the increase in the item, the leader points out that, according to the survey he carried out among his 12 main suppliers, the prices of these items rose 110 percent.

In his opinion, the shock was experienced last July when the economic management changed and the dollar began to rise.

Among the products that felt this impact the most is the one linked to stationery. Something that the publishers also reported.

“There is a lack of paper and, for example, you can’t get a top-brand notebook with a spiral and hard cover. Inputs are scarce and neither Ledesma nor Celulosa Argentina can keep up,” he explains.

As a guide, it is indicated that a ream of 480 sheets costs between 1,700 and 5,400 pesos, depending on the brands.

However, the recommendation is to buy small packages and replenish as you spend. The cost starts at 100 pesos. It is suggested to have a small stock of items, such as maps or ink cartridges.

In the train of recommendations to reduce expenses, it is recommended to look for a commercial guide or personalized attention. That appears as a specialty of bookstores and stationers.

In addition, it is pointed out in this sense that it is convenient to look for commercial options in which a variety of gondolas. Thus, you can compare between price and quality.

Another thing to keep in mind is that all license items are more expensive.

The backpacks with brand trolleys are few and their values ​​are around 25 and 30 thousand pesos. However, a good quality one to carry on the back, with two pockets and space to carry a bottle, is available for 7,000 pesos.

In the sector it is insisted that the advance purchase allows to find the gondolas supplied by varied products, but also to have advice. On the contrary, whoever buys in the last days of the holidays will have fewer options and perhaps even more expensive ones.


One of the things to keep in mind is that expenses vary according to educational levels.

In the Garden it will depend on the establishment, but generally a bag with items such as glasses, cleaning products and a toy or storybook is requested. For teaching materials, a sum of money is generally requested.

In primary school, notebooks, folders, sheets, pens, pencils, geometry sets and maps are requested.

High school students are the ones who require less stationery. Usually the backpack lasts more than a year and only notebooks, pens and markers are needed.

Although the suggestion is to advance purchases, it is anticipated that in the second half of February some businesses will launch promotions, as will some banks that usually give discounts on purchases of school supplies with credit cards.

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