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The school of life (France 2): did you recognize which ultra popular star interprets the song of the credits?

It took a year, but the rest is finally here! This Wednesday, April 5, France 2 begins the broadcast of season 2 of The school of life, a series that had marked the minds of viewers. And if, for the first salvo, it was Guillaume Labbé who played the leading role, this time it was up to Julie de Bona, who played the main teacher, “angsty” on the set, as she told us. And in one year, if the face of the series has changed, one point has not changed (and that’s good!): the credits of the series.

The school of life : who interprets the song of the credits?

“False, when I say I don’t care I’m lying / It’s that they never really leave me / These people who look at me askance / Ouch, why should we hurt each other? Come on, more Until I heal you / Ouch, why should we hurt each other? / Mix your life with my life / We could keep warm / Preen our feathers and think we’re beautiful…” From the first notes, the credits of The school of life resounds and imprints itself in the heads of series lovers. And music lovers. In order to write and hum the magnificent song of the credits (composed by Sage, alias Ambroise Wuillaume, who also signed the soundtrack of the series) Nagui chose a singer particularly loved by the French: Clara Luciani.

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The school of life : Clara Luciani explains why she agreed to write a song for the credits

The singer, crowned in 2020 Female performer of the year at the Victoires de la Musique, very quickly agreed to work on the series, which particularly affects her. Not least because it addresses a problem the 28-year-old singer faced in her youth: “In primary school, the students kept telling me that I was ugly. It was true!”, confided at the time of the broadcast of the first season Clara Luciani, to our colleagues from Telerama. “Above all, I was different, and children attack the difference. At 8 years old, in the choir, I had such a deep voice that I was put on the boys’ side. At 11, I was 1, 76 m and I don’t think anyone called me by my first name, but Asparagus, Giraffe or Four meters high In class, on my seat, I remember finding thumbtacks, open ink cartridges. ..” And if today Clara Luciani took his revenge on this somewhat dark period, this cruel experience allowed him to put words as hard-hitting as they were moving on the ills of this youth, who sit on the benches of The school of life…

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