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The second season of The Rings of Power is said to include a young version of Shelob

A few new details about the second season of Amazon’s insanely expensive Rings of Power have begun to leak out and offer some potentially cool news. Yes, as long as you don’t happen to suffer from arachnophobia possibly. Reliable sources mention that a younger version of the female monster Shelob will make a brief appearance. In other words, the same spider that Sam and Frodo were forced to fight against in Peter Jackson’s third film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Quite a bit about Shelob’s history is already known. However, according to the books, she is the offspring of the primordial Ungoliant and resided in the borderlands of Mordor during the Third Age where she mindlessly hunted down the poor creatures who happened to reside or roam the area.

Are you excited for the sequel to Rings of Power?

If you have arachnaphobia, it might be a good idea to have the snitch blanket ready for the second season of The Rings of Power.
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