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The secret ingredient for the perfect coffee is not sugar, but salt

Coffee should not be sweetened, but salted. That’s what a big trend on the internet says at the moment. What’s behind it?

A pinch of salt in the ground coffee before brewing, and the bitter taste is gone: what coffee connoisseurs have known for a long time is currently making waves on the internet.

Salt masks the bitterness

But there is no magic behind it, just a chemical reaction: sodium chloride affects the taste receptors of the tongue. The table salt masks the bitter taste of the coffee. It turns off its bitter note. It also enhances the aromas of the coffee.

Masking: That’s what’s behind it

Some food additives are only used to mask unpleasant tastes. Experts speak of “masking”. Industrial flavors and sweeteners are mainly used for this. Most of the time, bitter tastes are masked. Disadvantage: Bitter taste is usually a warning signal for something unhealthy – which is no longer perceived when eating or drinking if it has been masked.

Why salt is better than sugar

Just put a small pinch of salt in your coffee mug. Better: The salt is added to the coffee powder before it is brewed. That’s it.

Sugar was originally added to coffee for the same reason. But salt has an advantage. Because sugar not only takes away the bitterness of the coffee, but also the aromas. And it makes it sweet, so it distorts the taste.

Salt, on the other hand, only displaces bitterness and acidity while actually bringing out other flavors. And if it’s only used in small amounts, the coffee still doesn’t taste salty.

By the way: Spices such as aniseed, cardamom, vanilla and cinnamon can also give the coffee a new flavor kick.

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