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The secret you didn’t know to water your hanging succulents and make them grow stronger

The succulents They are the most chosen to decorate the home without having to put too much effort into care. Lately, the hanging varieties have become much more popular and some doubts have arisen regarding their needs.

Although each species of succulent may have its own specification, there are some general measures that can be taken to keep them healthy. If you have chosen hanging plants to brighten up your home, this brief guide is useful when cultivating and growing them.


One of the best known succulents is the necklace of hearts.

As long as you buy one succulent, it is important that you pay attention that the substrate is the right one as well as the pot. Remember that humidity is not your best ally, so they need to have excellent drainage. That said, an infallible trick to know when it is time to water your hanging crass is to bury a stick in the ground, if it comes out dry, it is necessary to add water.

The secret to effective irrigation

The rosary succulent is highly sought after.

Being hanging, watering them can be a real headache. The reality is that not everyone knows the secret for irrigation to be effective without damaging it. The first thing you need to know is that the leaves should not get wet, as they are prone to creating fungi or pests that could kill them in a few days. Perhaps the general alternative is to just spray them, but you run the risk of concentrating moisture.

In order for your plant to receive the amount of water it needs and not expose itself to any danger in the process, you will have to lower it from where it is and submerge the pot in a container with the liquid, without reaching the leaves. Leave it there for 20-30 minutes, and then hang it up again as usual.


Balconies are ideal places for hanging succulents.

In general, they need a good source of sunlight to grow strong and healthy. Although it will depend on the species you have to know how much direct rays affect it, the ideal is to locate them near natural lighting. Always keep in mind the time of year, since very high temperatures are accompanied by very strong sun and the leaves are prone to burning. Pay attention to the exhibition hours.

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