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The Sectur assigns a contract of 2.3 million pesos for “Operation knocks on doors”

The Ministry of Tourism (sectur) awarded directly on Thursday, May 4 to JFG Integration in Advertising Media a contract for 2.3 million pesos to carry out the integral services of the international promotion strategies this year “Operation knocks on doors” and “reunion with my roots“.

The cities in the United States that the team led by the head of the agency, Miguel Torruco, will visit are: Phoenix, Chicago, Miami and New York. Besides that it will be in Beijing, China, during the fourth quarter of 2023.

To address this activity, contemplated in its work program and with allocated budgetary resources, a first tender was launched last February in which proposals were submitted by Euroamérica Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, Global Publishing Strategies and Oycali y Asociados, although none met the requirements. technicians and the contest was declared void the following month.

Subsequently, the secretariat invited five firms to submit a quote to perform the services: JFG Integration in Advertising Media, ICE Asesores in Communication and Press, Llorente and Cuenca of Mexico, Socialand Media Solutions and Blinker Consulting. However, only the first two provided information.

Based on public information, the winning firm, based in Mexico City, has as its corporate purpose the organization of business, social, cultural, recreational and sports events related to the dissemination and promotion of products and services, including the launching of march of fairs or exhibitions.

As an example of the services offered in the sector, it is noteworthy that in 2013, the Mixed Fund for Tourism Promotion, then directed by Armando López Cárdenas, paid 43,000 pesos to JFG Integration in Advertising Media to provide a 3 x 6 meter space for the Mexico City Secretary of Tourism, then headed by Miguel Torruco, to participate in the adventure tourism fair in Veracruz.

Some of the services that the company will now offer to the federal government are: organization of seminars or presentations, meetings with the media, and work breakfasts, lunches, and dinners (for 50 people in a hotel or some other space with infrastructure, location, and optimal services, such as wireless internet and electrical outlets for electronic devices). In addition, it will deliver promotional material, photographic and videographic memories of the tours and will make available a van with a driver for up to 10 people per day.

According to the needs, the JFG must also organize meetings for up to 20 people with local businessmen and authorities related to tourism in order to present the attractions of Mexico, including the so-called anchor products with the new Mazatlan Aquarium.

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