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The security forces rely on technological equipment to prevent theft of bus users

Within the Safe Transport Plan that the Government has in force, combined teams of police and soldiers guarantee security at different boarding points and inside the collective transport units for the peace of mind of Salvadorans who are heading to their different destinations.

The security forces take care of public transport users in terminals, bus stops, minibuses, on the streets and highways where the units travel.

On July 28, 2022, President Nayib Bukele ordered the execution of the Safe Transportation Plan, which reduced robberies, thefts, and other crimes committed against passengers and drivers. More than 2,000 soldiers and police officers participate in the different actions.

Barely two months after launching the aforementioned plan, the Security authorities reported a 60% reduction in robberies committed inside transport units.

The work in the territory by the security forces is coordinated with the video surveillance cameras of the National Civil Police (PNC), the Vice Ministry of Transportation (VMT) and some municipalities of the country to have a broader monitoring and provide an immediate response. when crimes are committed or to prevent them.

In addition, the Government relies on the use of drones to maintain surveillance and security in public passenger transport, terminals, bus stops, minibuses and on highways.

“Through our 911 video surveillance system, we monitor Plaza Salvador del Mundo, where vehicular load is generated due to the different bus routes that converge in that place. We support the agents who are in the area and immediately alert them to any eventuality,” the PNC reported.

The security forces also carry out patrols and vehicle controls, they go in search of common criminals and gang members who have caused mourning and pain to Salvadorans for years.

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