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The shameful attack by LN+ on Pope Francis for his opinion on lawfare

It is seen that the head of LN+ did not like that the Pope gave an interview to C5N instead of them and they went out to attack him with everything they could. It’s a pity that the squires they sent to the front don’t have much facility with words and they screwed up on their own.

First, they treated Francisco as ignorant, Kirchnerist and of letting his head fill up, but later they assured that the Pope had not made a political reading of the cause (that is precisely what lawfare is about, to condemn for political and not judicial reasons).

Then they wanted to impose that lawfare “is fake news” that does not exist in Argentina, just days after the arguments for the conviction against Cristina acknowledge that there is no evidence of a crime.

To close, the LN+ “journalist” wondered if a political leader the size of the Pope has only one bell and is likely to have his head filled, two questions that do not even deserve an answer because they answer themselves.

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