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The signs that Cazzu gave of being pregnant with Cristian Nodal before revealing her tummy

The Argentine singer ended the rumors about her pregnancy

The Argentine singer cazzu confirmed that she is expecting a baby Christian Nodal. She put an end to the rumors and showed her baby bump pregnancy during a concert at the Movistar Arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina, before his fans.

The rumors of the pregnancy began from February of this year. Speculations that she could be expecting her firstborn began when she was on the red carpet that month at the Lo Nuestro Award next to the Sonoran Christian Nodal.

On that occasion, the Mexican regional singer kept her arms around Cazzu most of the time, which sparked rumors that the interpreter could be expecting a baby.

The Argentine singer ended the rumors about her pregnancy (Twitter @JaviGutierrezok)

At the time, the news was denied by the Mexican singer’s publicist, who stated that at that time the couple was enjoying their courtship and that they were not expecting a child.

However, Cazzu’s subsequent public appearances only intensified the rumors that she is expecting a baby. And it is that in one of her presentations she even showed some of the typical symptoms of pregnancy such as dizziness and fatigue.

Cazzu is characterized by being very active during her shows, but on that occasion she had to sit down and admitted to her audience that she was not feeling very well. She confessed that she felt dizzy when standing up.

Cazzu showed symptoms of pregnancy during her presentations (YouTube: CAZZU Official Channel)

“I feel very bad physically. I never sit down. When have you seen a picture of me sitting in a chair at the show? Nowhere, no. Today I have a difficult day, so I’m not dogging and jumping there because I feel like I’m getting dizzy and it’s important to finish the show”.

For the followers who were at that show, Cazzu’s words revealed the truth and they did not hesitate to shout: “She is pregnant”, to which the singer did not respond.

The most recent fact that caused a stir among his fans was the release of a video with a fragment of Men do not cry. It did not go unnoticed by the fans that her belly looked different.

Cazzu showed her pregnancy belly while performing “Isla Velde” (Twitter @ Antobelen778)

In the audiovisual, the Argentine wore an outfit similar to the one used in her show in Buenos Aires. Although her belly was covered by the wardrobe, it did not go unnoticed by her followers that she was noticeable bulging.

In addition, Cazzu also recently mentioned that his concert at the Movistar Arena would be the last for a long period, which could also be a clue that he will stop his successful career for a few months to receive his firstborn.

Through a video on social networks, the interpreter of You and you she assured that she would not appear in the Argentine capital until she felt satisfied with her next musical production.

Cazzu revealed her pregnancy in the style of Rihanna (Twitter @ Antobelen778)

“We are going to be live in Buenos Aires for the last time in the year and I don’t know for how much longer because until I have the best next album of my life, I’m not going to give a show. I’ll let you know now.”

“If you’re still thinking about it, don’t think about it anymore, don’t think about it anymore, get your ticket to the Movistar Arena because it’s Cazzu’s last show in Argentina for a long time,” insisted the artist.

It was finally this Saturday that in the style of Rihanna she revealed her pregnancy. During the first part of the presentation she hid her state from her, with an enormous white coat, until finally her belly was exposed as she lowered a platform that she used in her show.

Cazzu shared the video of his revelation on social networks (Twitter)

It was during the interpretation of the theme Velde Island from the album Cheating Babe that Cazzu presumed for the first time her pregnancy. This two months after the rumors began.

A couple of hours after the reveal video of her baby bump went viral on social networks, Cazzu shared it on her Instagram profile. But so far she has not made any comments, since she announced the happy news with only a heart emoji.

Thousands of people commented on the post expressing their good wishes to Cazzu. She received responses such as: “The best show of my life”, “Baby Nodal”, “I can’t wait for you to arrive” or “More beautiful than ever”.

Cazzu confirmed her pregnancy shortly after announcing that Christian Nodal moved to Argentina to live with her. It was during the show Al Dente Night that Argentina confessed that although they both travel a lot, her home is in the country where she is from.

Cazzu and Christian Nodal sparked pregnancy rumors since February (Lo Nuestro Awards)

Although the rumors that the interpreter of bottle after bottle had left Mexico to follow cazzu They began months ago when it emerged that he bought a luxurious property in an exclusive area of ​​Buenos Aires where it was speculated that the couple would live.

The singers took the step of living together and becoming parents less than a year after their romance began, which at the time gave rise to talk after the controversy Nodal’s break with Belindahis ex-fiancee.

Both Cazzu and Nodal were discreet in their relationship for the first few months, but recently they began to have more public appearances. In November 2022 they even shared a tender moment during an Argentine concert in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

The couple sang the song as a duet. think about me de Cazzu, in a version with live mariachi that captivated those attending the show. The singer recalled this moment on social networks with the dedication: “Very special things happened. Nodal I love you “.

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