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The six keys of the Harvard diet for a healthy life

Keeping yourself healthy is the objective of the ideal diet planted by her Harvard University and used by former First Lady Michelle Obama. It is a nutrition plan designed to increase longevity and reduce chronic illnesses.

Prioritize fruits and vegetables

Following the Healthy Eating Plate proposed by Harvard, the first step is to ensure that the fruits and vegetables occupy the half of the plate. The nutritionists recommend looking for the color and the variety, but except for the popes due to their negative impact on the sugar in the blood.

Add whole grains

Whole grains should form 1/4 of the plate. Entering foods such as whole wheat, barley, wheat berries, quinoa, oats, brown rice and foods made with them, such as whole wheat pasta, can have a milder effect on the sugar in the blood and the insulin than the pan blanco, white rice and other refined grains.

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Include protein

The protein must also exist in 1/4 of the dish for it to be healthy. The fish, the poultry, the frijoles and the nueces are sources of versatile and healthy proteins, which can be combined in creative recipes such as salads. You should limit the consumption of red and processed meat, such as bacon.

Use healthy oils

To complement, healthy acceptances can be added. Harvard nutritionists recommend olive, canola, soya, maize, sunflower, mani and other oils, and avoid partially hydrogenated oils, which contain harmful trans fats for health.

Drink water, coffee or tea

Regarding the drinks to accompany the food, water, coffee or tea is suggested. It is preferable to omit sugary drinks, limit milk and dairy products to one or two servings per day and limit the jug to one small vessel per day.

not be sedentary

In addition, Harvard researchers urged you to stay active and exercise to improve your health. If you go with light intensity walks or a training routine, the important thing is not to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. (I)

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