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The Spanish soccer player Olga Carmona publishes these messages to her dead father

The Spanish soccer player Olga Carmona publishes these messages to her dead father

MADRID – “Yesterday was the best and the worst day of my life,” Olga Carmona acknowledges in a message posted on her social networks on Monday after scoring the winning goal for the Spanish team in the World Cup final against England and later meeting that his father had passed away.

“I have no words to thank you for all your love,” adds the Sevillian footballer who plays for Real Madrid, who was also key in the semifinal by scoring the winning goal against Sweden in the closing stages of the game.

Likewise, he later has a message for his father: “I know that you would like to see me enjoy this historic moment, that’s why I will be with my companions, so that from wherever you are, you know that this star is also yours, dad.”

Last night Olga Carmona published, after hearing the news, another message: “And without knowing it I had my Star before the game started. I know that you have given me the strength to achieve something unique. I know that you have been watching me tonight and that you are proud of me. Rest in peace, dad.”

Olga Carmona will arrive tonight with the national team in Madrid, where a party has been organized to celebrate the first world title for the women’s team in Madrid Río.

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