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The spectacular save by Dibu Martínez in the 91st minute that gave Aston Villa the victory

Emiliano “Dibu” Martínez once again demonstrated in the Premier that he is one of the best goalkeepers in the world. This Saturday, he closed the goal for Aston Villa, who defeated Southampton 1-0 as a visitor on date 21 of the Premier League.

The Argentinian world champion goalkeeper had two key saves, the last one in the 91st minute after a bombing shot by Moussa Djenepo, the Mali player. Aston Villa’s goal, which featured Argentine Emiliano Buendía among its starters, was made by Ollie Watkins with a header, in the 77th minute.

Aston Villa’s goal

Aston Villa tweet

And the one that saved when the game was tied at zero

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Dibu’s post after the game

Tweet by Emi Martinez

“3 points away from home, Arco at 0, let’s keep working hard,” Martínez wrote on his Twitter account with three images of the match.

Aston Villa thus added 28 points, is in 11th position in the Premier, 19 points behind leader Arsenal.

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