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The stray bird continues to attract visitors to Förslöv

It has attracted a lot of attention, the orange-eyed visitor. The bird, which normally belongs to North America on the border between the USA and Canada, has probably ended up on the Bjær Peninsula due to strong wind and storms.

– The cold is not a major problem, but it is used to wintering in Central America, so there is a certain difference. But it gets seeds and fruit and does well on that, says Thomas Terne.

In December, it was the first time the bird was seen in Sweden, in Europe it has been seen about twenty times.

Attracted thousands of visitors

– There were most visitors in the beginning, but now there are still around ten who come every day, says Thomas Terne.

The sports association Förslövs IF, who are neighbors with the bird, have been able to scrape together some extra contributions to the association’s coffers these weeks.

– We have sold coffee, sausages and parking fees at regular intervals during the last few weeks, so there have been a few extra thousand, says treasurer Inga Olsson.

This is what it looked like when SVT Nyheter Helsingborg looked at the bird on December 17 last year:

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The small bird baltimoretrupial is rare to see in Sweden. Hear how it ended up on the Bjäre Peninsula. Photo: Thomas Terne / SVT
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