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The strongest muscle in the body: find out what it is and how you can exercise it

The strongest muscle in the body: find out what it is and how you can exercise it

The gluteus maximus is essential for people’s mobility.

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The gluteus maximus is located in the upper third of the tail and by itself is one of the thickest muscles in the body and the thickest in the hip.

Only with its tone prevents the trunk from going forward or defeatingplaying a key role in situations such as sexual intercourse.

But when it comes to exercising, being so thick, it tires easily because it requires a lot of energy, as explained by the professor at the University of Washington, Michael L. Richardson in a data sheet. That is why when it is flexed in postures like the squat we can get tired quickly.

Vikika Costa, a ‘fit girl’ quoted by the ‘Women’s Health’ portal, highlights that her tone It depends on the shape of the butt.

“It is the one that gives that roundness to the buttocks and that we often forget because it is not the main one in many of the common exercises,” he explained on his Instagram account.

Among the exercises you can do to work it are the following:

To do this, you should lean your back against the bench or step so that your shoulder blades are near the top of the step.

Extend the hips as high as possible, either with or without weight, while supporting yourself on the shoulder blades and feet.

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You must hold it for a few seconds squeezing the buttocks.

Per your instruction, feet and knees should point out. You don’t have to lower your body too much: let your arms fall and push up only with your buttocks.

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The lower down, the more intensity they require and therefore can work your muscle more.

What you should do is get down on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.

Using the abdominal muscles, stay stable and take one knee off the ground, bringing the leg back and up, contracting the gluteus forcefully.

“You must know how to activate it correctly so that it is the gluteus that works the most and not other muscles,” they advise.

Repeat exhaling as you bring your leg back and inhaling as you return.

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