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“The struggle continues”: the left welcomes the mobilization of May 1 against the pension reform

On the evening of a thirteenth day of inter-union mobilization against the pension reform, marked in some cities by violence and degradation, the left retained the “huge” gathering of French people across the territory.

The traditional May Day demonstrations were well attended in France on Monday. 2.3 million people demonstrated in France according to the CGT and 782,000 according to the Ministry of the Interior. A renewed mobilization against a background of opposition to the pension reform, which the entire left welcomed, while the unions must take stock on Tuesday.

“Macron is no longer listened to. The mobilization is growing. The theft of our lives will not take place. Withdrawal!”, Claimed the rebellious former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon this afternoon before the Parisian procession rushes from the Place de la République.

At the heart of the demonstration, Nathalie Arthaud, spokesperson for Lutte Ouvrière assured that the opposition of French people retired at 64 was still “intact”. On this point, she was joined by the national secretary of Europe Ecology Les vert Marine Tondelier, saying on her Twitter account that “the pension page is not turned”.

June 8 in “line of sight”

When the mobilization figures were announced, the president of the LFI deputies in the Assembly Mathilde Panot estimated that this May 1, 2023 had “entered into history”. “The people are regaining control of their destiny. Macronie will not move on, because our lives are not a page that we turn. More than ever, the fight continues: 2023 will rhyme with victory”, a-t – she urged on social media.

Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the Social Party hailed him the “huge show of force of a people who are not resigned to undergoing”. A thesis shared by his colleague from Nupes, Fabien Roussel, the national secretary of the French Communist Party: “We are more determined than you!”

But very quickly, some projected themselves towards the future deadlines of social mobilization. Even if no date has yet been transmitted by the unions, one day catches the attention of opponents of the pension reform: June 8. The Assembly will study the bill aimed at raising the legal retirement age to 62 years.

“In the line of sight: June 8. The deputies will decide on retirement at 64, finally! Until then, we are not giving up!”, Encouraged François Ruffin, LFI deputy for the Somme.

By this date, Philippe Poutou has defended on our antenna “other forms of struggle” to “crack the government”. “Demonstrations are not enough (…) This fight must be waged through demonstrations but there is a need for other forms of struggle. Direct confrontation in demonstrations counts”, declared the spokesman of the New Anti-Capitalist Party .

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