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The stud manager leaves the national team – the pass to the critics: “Try it yourself”

Mika Venäläinen is leaving Poste som vallagchef för Finlands ländiglandslag after the season. I fjol fick man inte så många mejl – i år har det kommit desto fler, Säger Venäläinen till Yle.

Venäläinen took over the position of manager of the service team ahead of last year’s season. This after Martin Norrgård did his part already after one season.

Since the WC in Planica, it has been clear that Venäläinen will step aside after the season. He confirms it for Yle Urheilu.

– Two years was the longest I could imagine. I’m done after Lahtis, comments Venäläinen with reference to the World Cup final next week.

– This is a kind of survival process. We work for the athletes and work as a team with the entire service team. The synergy must be quite good.

Got a lot of feedback this winter

During Venäläinen’s first year as manager, the national team reaped great success in the Olympics, where it won a total of six medals. This winter it has been heavier.

– Last year was phenomenal in its entirety. This year, illnesses have disrupted the skiers’ preparations. This means that you have a worse aftertaste.

Venäläinen admits that this season has been stressful. When the results fail, the spotlight shifts to him.

– Last year, you didn’t get that many emails. This year there have been even more.

– I am calling for humanity. We try to be better than the others every day, no one is bad on purpose. If there is someone who believes that, you can come and test for yourself.

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