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The target of the explosion is himself sentenced to prison

It was at the end of November that the man allegedly took a one-kilogram explosive charge of dynamite and drove it in a car to an address in Hillerstorp. There he placed it near an electrical cabinet.

The 35-year-old man is sentenced by the Jönköping district court to two years in prison. He is convicted of breaking the law and inflammable and explosive goods, a felony. He is also sentenced for preparation for public destruction because the district court believes that an explosion would pose a danger to people’s lives.

Former member of motorcycle gang

Just a couple of days ago, the man was the plaintiff in another case where, according to the prosecution, he was the victim of an explosive device placed outside his and his family’s house at an address in Skillingaryd. The man has previously been a member of a motorcycle gang and the prosecutor believes that the events are part of an ongoing conflict between current members of the motorcycle gang and the man.

During the interrogation, the man claimed emergency defense and that because he was living under threat he needed to show that he could defend himself.

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