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The team concludes its first phase of preparation for the World Cup

The team concludes its first phase of preparation for the World Cup

Spain keeps the countdown active for the debut, next July 21 against Costa Rica, in the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. The team led by Jorge Vilda has given this Friday for finished the first part of the preparation that has taken place in VillaAitana complex in Benidormwhere he has been concentrated since last Monday and they have worked in double sessions combining field and gym.

The first week has served as a contact with the green after a large part of the soccer players returned from a short post-season vacation and a reunion between players once the return to the national team was known. Alexia Putellas as well as three of those baptized as ‘Las 15’: Aitana Bonmat, Mariona Caldentey and Ona Batlle. In addition to the work on the field of play, the players have also complied with the attention to media and sponsors.

The negative note starred her Sheila García, who had to abandon concentration after not overcoming some problems with her right knee that already deprived her of finishing the course with Atlético de Madrid on the green. With this loss, the selection has worked with a bulk of 29 players from which the coach will have to make six discards next Friday June 30the date on which the final call for players to be taken to the World Cup has been stipulated.

The team will meet again on Monday in the Ciudad del Fútbol de Las Rozaswhere they will settle two days before leaving for Avils, where On Thursday a friendly is scheduled against the Panamanian team, number 55 in the FIFA rankingand one of the 32 teams that will be part of the World Cup this summer.

Queen Letizia visit the selection

Next Tuesday, June 27, Queen Letizia will go to the Soccer City of Las Rozas to visit the team, which is preparing for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand that will take place from July 20 to August 20. The monarch will visit the team in the morning before, that same afternoon, the national team travels to Avils.

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