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The technique that Colo Colo will use to take care of the field of the Monumental Stadium

Colo Colo will occupy the Monumental Stadium for the first time this 2023. During the summer, the redoubt went through different improvements on the main field, where the grass was completely changed, occupying a different type of grass.

© ArchiveThe Monumental Stadium had improvements for this 2023

Colo Colo will make its debut this Monday at the Monumental Stadium. The Albos could not occupy their field of play due to the work being carried out on the David Arellano pitch, but now the grass is ready to be used.

Colocolino fans see the hours go by to fill up again The Rock. El Popular, who debuted with a victory in this National Championship, will seek to get up and regain confidence after the hard fall against O’Higgins in El Teniente de Racagua. To this is added that they want to continue with a good record at home, which comes from last year.

But, Monday will not be any meeting, because it will have something very special. This then, After 33 years, the Monumental grass will be completely new. The changes were carried out because 40% of the grass was contaminated, in addition to implementing improvements in the drainage of the Pedrero sports area.

According to information from RedGol, Colo Colo used Festuca, a seed that has a term of eight months of maturation and that has great benefits. One of them is resistance to extreme conditions, since its roots can reach up to 1.6 meters, which means that may tolerate drought and heavy use. To this will be added, the implementation of a new drainage.

Let’s remember that during this 2023, in addition to the matches of the Eternal Champion, both male and female, The stadium will be leased for matches such as Curicó Unido in the Copa Libertadores, different concerts and surely the matches that the Chilean team have to play for the 2026 World Cup. In this way, the Albos will need a playing field that can withstand all those shows.

Colo Colo will jump to the Monumental this Monday, February 13 at 8:00 p.m. against Ñublense, with the main objective of trying to get back into the top positions of the National Championship.

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