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The time Natalia Tellez almost got divorced because of Consuelo Duval

The actress and comedian Natalia Téllez He usually gives us great and unexpected revelations in the program he hosts, “Netas Divinas”. On this occasion she was no exception to her and the now mother revealed that she was about to end her relationship with her baby’s father because of her friend and colleague Consuelo Duvalthe star ofThe P. Luche Family”. Find out about this funny anecdote below.

In one of the latest editions of the Unicable television space, the interpreter of the soap opera “Te acuerdas de mí” (2021) He commented on how he manages his emotions and the romance with the father of his firstborn.

The actress said that she was about to separate from Antonio Zabala due to a thong from the comedian that ended up at her house, but how did she get there? Find out in the following lines.

Together with the other hosts of “Netas divinas”, a program of which she has been a part since 2018 (Photo: Natalia Téllez / Instagram)


Consuelo Duval began by explaining that she and her daughter, Paly, have the same bag. One day the artist went to visit Natalia Téllez and her baby at her house and, of course, she took her bag. “I’m going to see Natalita and the baby, she grabbed the bag. I don’t put my hand in the bag, I just put the perfume in the bag and leave”began narrating.

Once he got to Natalia’s apartment, he picked up Emilia and after a while he took his things to go home. Just before leaving, Téllez stopped her to give her a thong, but Duval denied that the garment was his..

“I arrived at Natalita’s house, I carried Emi, we danced, we sang, we played. I’m going out and, suddenly, Natalia says to me: ‘Is this yours?’, (she showed me) a piece of cloth, it was such a small thing, but it looked like dreadlocks, and I told her: ‘no’”added Duval.

At that time, and during the broadcast of “Netas Divinas”, Téllez interrupted her and remembered the gesture of displeasure that Duval made when he showed her the thong. And it is that at first Téllez thought that this underwear belonged to his partner.

He didn’t say that, he saw it and did (disgusted face): ‘Oh, no!’, and he left in the elevator. It wasn’t a piece of cloth, it was a thong, and when Consuelo stood up I found a tiny, tiny thong. The first thing I thought was: ‘Consuelo was sitting here, it belongs to Consuelo’, and she, who is a mess, threw the bag, ‘oh, the girl’s gift’, so the first thing I did was ‘calm down, Consuelo, this is yours’, taking it for granted and she reacted with a … disgust that I rewound and said ‘obviously Consuelo has always said that she doesn’t like thongs, that she would never wear thatshe doesn’t wear pajamas with springs because they bother her, do you think she’s going to wear springs in the middle of her buttocks?’”Tellez explained.

Faced with this, Natalia took a drastic determination.


Realizing that the thong was not Consuelo’s, the presenter began to ask her boyfriend for explanations, thinking that the garment was there for him and even insulted him.

I don’t want to sound crazy, but he left, I stayed like that and I said to Antonio: ‘whose thong is this?’ And he turned pale and told me ‘not me, Consuelo’, and I told him ‘the son of a bitch just told me… mad… that this thong is not his’, he replied ‘I have no idea who that thong belongs to, well, I was here with the girl’ , and I ‘with the girl and someone in a thong?’ because in my head I was spinning that it was illogical “Téllez continued narrating.

After a while and when she herself was losing patience with her boyfriend, Duval made a video call to clarify what had happened. “Then Consuelo Duval speaks to me FaceTime and Pali appears on the screen and tells me ‘Natalia, Natalia, my mom took my bag, that thong is mine’and I had already told the other that he was a son of a p… and to go for a walk”he recounted between laughs.

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