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The top 5 of the day

These are the five most important articles that you should definitely read today.

A quick news digest with the most important stories of the moment, so you don’t miss anything important.

Radar boxes unusable – vandals on a tour of devastation

Three radar boxes in Montafon were rendered unusable with red paint.

Theater, a year of war and Austria’s finances

On Friday with moderator Gerold Riedmann (VN editor-in-chief) as a guest in “Vorarlberg LIVE”: Russia expert Dr. Gerhard Mangott, Stephanie Gräve (director of the Vorarlberger Landestheater) and finance minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP).

Fire in a family home in Lauterach

A serious fire broke out in a family home in Lauterach for reasons that are still unknown. A child was seriously injured.

Works council chairperson fired: Waves went up

Spectacular process initiated between the Chamber of Labor and the Tridonic company.

ÖVP blocked: This is the end for the rental price brake

The agreement on a rental price brake, which should cushion the sharp increases in benchmark rents, is in danger of bursting.

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