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The tourist car of a Cuban residing in the US visiting Holguin, Cuba is stolen

The tourist car of a Cuban residing in the US visiting Holguin, Cuba is stolen

As published by the digital portal CyberCubaofficial profiles linked to the police revealed that Joel Hijuelos, a Cuban residing in the United States, was the victim of the theft of a tourist rental car in the city of Holguinon the road to Gibara, where he tried to hold on to the vehicle to prevent the theft.

The man, who got caught in the windshield when the thieves seized his car, was assaulted by Cubans identified as Ramón Deris Blanco Almarales and Asnielkis Pérez Ávila, according to the report profile “Realities from Holguín”

In a recap of the facts, the page linked to the Cuban police recounted that this Sunday Hijuelos was traveling with a relative in a tourist car along the Gibara highway, when he stopped to buy onions and at that moment the two men robbed him the car.

“The victim managed to get on the hood of the car and, holding on to the windshield wiper, managed to stay between 10 and 12 minutes, despite the fact that the speed ranged between 70 and 90 km/h. People who were witnesses affirm that ‘the driver’ braked abruptly in several times, apparently with the aim of getting rid of Joel, even to the detriment of his life,” he said.

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The car and the perpetrators of the crime They were captured in the vicinity of km 7 ½ in Cabezuela, a town in the Calixto García municipality.

Preliminary testimonies from those who witnessed the event compared the robbery with a “movie” case, since the car circulated during a stretch with the driver clinging to the car.

A message published in a Facebook group asked about the health of the lessee of the vehicle, as he could barely hold on while the thief who was driving “was ruddering trying to get rid of him.”

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The pro-government profile that provided details of the case assured that the thieves’ route was extensive: they traveled through several streets in the city of Holguín, Línea street, Máximo Gómez, Garayalde, Lenin Avenue and Los Álamos up to “Seis columna”.

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FUENTE: / americateve

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