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The Treasury removes the fiscal stimulus for Premium gasoline

The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) reported in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that the premium gasoline will not have a fiscal stimulus on the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) from May 6 to 12.

In other words, consumers of gasoline greater than or equal to 91 octane will pay 4.9 pesos of IEPS for each liter they buy.

What was reported by the SHCP shows that it is the first time that the fiscal stimulus on Premium gasoline has been withdrawn since December 31, 2022.

For consumers of the magna gasoline the fiscal stimulus will be 21.65%; that is, they will only pay 4.6 pesos of IEPS for each liter they buy. This Thursday’s data confirmed that the fiscal stimulus for Magna gasoline added three weeks with decreases.

The percentage of the fiscal stimulus on the IEPS of diesel will be 3.71 percent. Consumers will pay 6.2 pesos of tax per liter alienated and with this the stimulus accumulated eight weeks with reductions.

The information from the Ministry of Finance details that the fiscal stimulus on the IEPS for Magna gasoline and diesel is the lowest that has occurred so far this year.

Only in March, the collection of the IEPS on gasoline added five months with positive numbers due to the fact that the SHCP has gradually withdrawn the percentages of the fiscal stimulus for fuels.

In the third month of 2023, the IEPS collection to gasoline registered 13,909 million pesos, which contrasts with the 1,928 million pesos obtained in the same period of 2022.

Jannet Quiroz, deputy director of economic analysis at Monex, told The Economist As shown, the trend is that in April it will be possible to see six months with positive collection in the IEPS for gasoline.

“Although they raised the percentage of the stimulus in the week of April 15 to 21, the following weeks they lowered it again. In April we are going to see six months of increases in the IEPS for gasoline,” said the analyst.

When the Easter holidays ended, the SHCP raised fiscal incentives for fuels. The most notable increase was in Premium gasoline as it went from 17.89 to 47.06 percent.

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