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The triangle of success to have a safe investment

In order to make a successful real estate investmentthe investor must have three fundamental allies: the real estate agent (Realtor), the accounting agent, and the financier. It happens that each investor has his own profile, which must adjust your investment to certain legal, financial, accounting, administrative and tax regulations so that nothing is left to chance, and the results are as expected.

The investor’s profile will vary, depending on whether the property you need to buy is for housing, for rent as in the case of AIRbnb, commercial premises, or a well propertywhere the purchase value will be better than a finished property, but it takes time to start getting returns.

In the case of the financial agent, it is about obtaining the greater facilities to access a mortgage loan. For this reason, the mortgage loan advisor in the QKapital Argentina group, Nilda Gauna, pointed out that “There are different types of financing programs., which range between 50 and 80 percent of the amount of the property. This percentage varies according to the customer’s credit profile and the property chosen by him.

This is the best alternative for capital diversification in Real Estate.

Las interest rates Offered are currently below the inflation rate that currently exists within the United States, so making the balance between the income that the investor will have as a return of rents apart from the appreciation of the property over time, these they continue to be below the interest rate proposed by banks specializing in this type of loan.

The interesting thing about this case is that QKapital it operates as a mortgage bank that grants loans to foreigners who are going to invest in Florida, New York, Colorado and Texas, which are the most chosen destinations by foreigners.

Once the person expresses the intention to take the credit and the amount they need, they are asked for the documentation to start the process. The loan pre-approval process It does not take more than 24 hours after receiving the documentation And for the final approval of the credit, once the property is selected, the process of final approval of the mortgage and disbursement of the money does not usually take more than 30 to 45 days after the signing of the contract.

The credits that are granted can be in terms of up to 30 years..

The foreign investor usually takes loans with amortization of 30 years, but selecting a program with a fixed rate of no more than the initial 5 years, a period in which he remains with that property, generating its revaluation apart from receiving monthly returns to later sell the property. real estate in order to take advantage of this appreciation of your property, cancel the mortgage and renew the property to a higher value.

Among the requirements to access the mortgage loan, the interested party must prove your liquidity in bank accounts. If you have liquid money in the stock market, you can use it to give a kind of reserve to the bank and continue with the transaction.

Regarding the second important link in this triangle, the real estate agent in the state of Florida -USA, specialized in advising foreign investors, Claudia Cervi, detailed the steps to follow in her area. “The first step has to do with finding the real estate agent that represents you and is specialized in foreign investors. It is important to mention that in the United States the buyer does not pay a commission, being 100% in charge of the seller.”

Likewise, the specialist assured that, if the investor is going to finance the investment before making an offer to a property, they must have a pre-approval letter, which supports the economic resources for the purchase. If, failing that, the purchase is going to be in cash, then said pre-approval letter is not necessary. In this case, he must demonstrate that he has enough money in the bank to make the investment.

“The investor will be told the benefits of investing under a legal figure LLC (Limited Liability Company), and how to create it,” explained Cervi.

After having secured the necessary funds to make the offer and having defined the appropriate legal structure for the investment, the property will be selected according to the client’s requirement, being very important to take into account the objective and purpose of the investment. .

Before moving forward with the contract, it is important to do a financial analysis of the property that allows you to project the market and the return on investment.

Once the offer is accepted, the transfer of the property proceeds for which a title company is required for closing. The sales contract is a legal document with expiration dates that must be adhered to to avoid penalties or cancellation.

On closing day, the buyer, seller, together with the real estate agents representing them, attorneys for both parties, and the notary public meet at the title company to sign the deed and complete the transfer process. But before, the buyer had to have made a transfer of the purchase balance to the account of the closing company -Escrow Account-, taking into account the closing costs, which are charges related to the transfer that are the responsibility of the buyer. Nowadays, this process can be done remotely, so it is not necessary for you to be present at the time of closing.

Regarding the accounting issue, the Taxleaf Tampa accountant manager, Maria Valeria Vallina, warned that in the case of foreigners who want to Invest in property in the United Statesit is recommended that they be made in the name of companies and that they are not done in a personal capacity.

This is the case for tax reasons since, if the property has a value greater than 300,000 and the foreigner sells it, a 15% withholding is applied on the sale price. Although it is a withholding, it can usually be recovered later in the year when your federal taxes are filed.

will also have a 30% withholding on the gain on the sale of propertyunless an election is made to tax capital gains, also in case of death of the owner, the inheritance tax is applied, which can reach 40% of the value of the property or more.

“To avoid these taxes, it is advisable to buy real estate in the name of foreign corporations or trusts that are the direct owners of the properties, or that are shareholders of an LLC, which will own the property,” Vallina said.

In addition, there are other situations where it is advisable seek advice from a professional before making a sale of properties, either the period of maintenance of the property in your possession, in order to benefit from the type of tax rates that apply or to be able to obtain the advantages offered by the law, such as tax deferral on capital gains on the sale of real estate used for business or investment purposes.

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