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The truth about the death of Víctor Santisteban: necropsy, a key video and a grandson who will never see his grandfather again

Videos of the transfer of Víctor Santisteban Yacsavilca after the impact.

Victor Santisteban Yacsavilca passed away at the age of 55 in the midst of social protests on Saturday, January 28 in Lima. According to the autopsy applied to his corpse, a “hard blunt element” that impacted the right back of his head violently knocked him down. Brigade members helped him and then he was transferred to the Grau hospital, where his body did not resist.

The examination carried out on Santisteban Yacsavilca by the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of the Public ministry determined that the cause of death was “a severe head injury”, the product of a “brain contusion and laceration” that left him with a “skull fracture”.

In sensitive images disseminated of the corpse, it can be seen that the head had a large hole, which evidently was not caused by a pellet or a bullet, but -according to witnesses and their own relatives- by a cartridge of lachrymatory bomb thrown a short distance.

Sister of the first deceased in Lima to Dina Boluarte: “It is not enough to say my condolences.” (Latin News)

“I, Elizabeth Santisteban, sister of the deceased, I deny all the channels that are saying that it is a stone, tell the truth. The only thing I ask for is respect for my family,” said the dismayed woman.

She revealed that Víctor, also called “Bimbo” affectionately, arrived on the night of Saturday, January 28 at the Lima’s center for work. According to Elizabeth’s account, her brother was going to “pick up an order for shoes,” and was not seeking to join the social mobilizations that were registered in this point of the capital.

At that moment, the woman affirmed, Víctor would have run into the police repression and the fear of some passersby who, like him, sought to get to safety.

“The brigade members and witnesses who were with him told us that he was helping people to calm down,” Elizabeth clarified to the press.

Ombudsman confirmed the death of a protester in Lima. (Twitter / Ombudsman)

The environment of Victor santisteban she remembers him as a hard-working man who didn’t get into trouble. He came to migrate to Argentina some time ago, where he did construction and masonry work. He returned to Peru when the neighboring country went through an economic crisis that hit the migrant community hard.

In Argentina, according to information from her surroundings, she would have left her only daughter and her little grandson who was about to turn one year old. Victor had promised to return to join his family. This will no longer happen.

to the president Dina Boluarte, Elizabeth sent him a message: “It is not enough to say my condolences.” Do you want peace? We also want a healthy justice”.

Video of the moment that the police fired a tear gas canister

In the last few hours, a video captured by a security camera was released, which supposedly would correspond to the minutes before the 55-year-old man received the head impact.

In these images, a group of brigade members can be seen, with white helmets and some civilians, taking refuge on the sidewalk of block 9 of the abancay avenue. A few meters away, a man begins to shoot tear gas.

Around of the death of Santisteban Yacsavilca a series of contradictions and suspicions have been woven that began with the communiqués issued by the Ministry of the interior Y isHealthwhere first one thing was said and then another.

EsSalud announced that the deceased arrived with a “polycontusion” with a “serious head injury,” then published a new statement stating that he arrived with a “sharp blunt wound,” “poor general condition” and “consciousness disorder.” The same thing happened from Ministry of Interior.

EsSalud announcements.
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