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The two Chivas soccer players concerned about their role within the team

Chivas de Paunovic are having a great semester. The Verde Valle team, without having a great squad in terms of names and depth as the royal teams or Club América itself have, is bringing to life the best tournament since Amaury Vergara was in charge of the club’s presidency. Fernando Hierro and the Serbian coach have managed to focus the players on the ball and not on other extra-court issues that used to contaminate the bulk of the squad from within.

Leon v Chivas – 2023 Liga MX Closing Tournament / Leopoldo Smith/GettyImages

Chivas has in its hands the option of achieving its first goal, this is to enter the league directly and with a complex tournament closing, it will be a good challenge to achieve it. To do this, Paunovic will appeal to his trusted men, because if something should be highlighted about the coach, it is that once he found his stellar eleven, very little has moved him. However, by nature, this generates some disagreement in other players who do not add the desired minutes, two of them, Cisneros and Ríos.

According to information from The Universal Sports, the two Chivas center forwards who are eating the bench today are not at all satisfied with their leading role within the squad, although they understand that they have not given the desired numbers to have more minutes on the field either. The return of Vega and the explosion of Pavel Pérez has led both to eat the bench and often not be taken into account, not even as replacements, something that the two ‘9’ do not like at all.

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