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The UN remembers the victims of the Holocaust and calls for the fight against intolerance

The UN remembers the victims of the Holocaust and calls for the fight against intolerance

MIAMI.- The United Nations chose January 27 as the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Holocaust. The date was selected by the General Assembly of the HIM in 2005.

An important fact is that it was on January 27, 1945 when Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

UNESCO highlights that it annually pays tribute to the memory of these victims. At the same time, it ratifies its commitment “to fight against antisemitism, racism and any other form of intolerance that can lead to violent acts against certain human groups.

In this sense, the United Nations points out that “the holocaust Not only did it deeply affect the countries where Nazi crimes were committed, but it also had repercussions in many other places in the world. “Seven decades after the events, Member States share the collective responsibility to address remaining trauma, maintain measures that allow for effective commemoration, care for historic sites and promote education, documentation and research.”

Increase in Antisemitism

On this anniversary, the call of the HIM is to educate about the causes, consequences and dynamics of the crimes that occurred during the Holocaust to “strengthen the resilience of young people against ideologies of hate.”

They note that genocides “and other atrocity crimes continue to occur in various regions of the world.” They emphasize that there has been a global increase in antisemitism and hate speech.

For his part, Pope Francis has pointed out that “the remembrance and condemnation of that horrendous extermination of millions of Jews and people of other confessions that occurred in the first half of the last century helps us not to forget that the logic of hate and violence can never be justified because they deny our humanity.”


Source: United Nations / International Day Portal

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