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The United States is preparing for possible budget paralysis

Employees in the federal administration and the military have been preparing for the shutdown for several days. But as the deadline approaches and Democrats and Republicans appear deadlocked, a shutdown looks increasingly inevitable, according to AFP.

Joe BidenPhoto: Chris Kleponis/UPI/Profimedia Images

Soon to be furloughed or forced to work without pay, public servants across the United States began receiving formal notice Thursday of the federal budget impasse, which will begin Sunday if lawmakers in Congress fail to reach a deal.

“Employees designated and notified in advance will be temporarily furloughed, meaning they will not be authorized to work or use departmental resources,” the Department of Health warned in an email sent to employees on Thursday morning, which AFP was able to see consult him.

They will then have to wait until the end of the shutdown to receive their retroactive wages. The longest period of budget gridlock in the United States had lasted 35 days in December 2018 and January 2019.

“Some of you will be temporarily furloughed, while others (…) will continue to perform their assigned duties,” the Department of Homeland Security told its officials in an email cited by Washington Post.

The only solution to the problem of cutting off federal funding at midnight on October 1 is a last-minute deal between Democrats and Republicans.

Pentagon: US budget paralysis will affect training of Ukrainian F-16 pilots

The US government’s “shutdown” would affect the training program for Ukrainian pilots and other personnel on F-16 fighter jets, Yevropeiska Pravda reported, citing Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh.

The official reportedly said during a press conference that a “shutdown is the worst-case scenario that could happen to the (Defense) Department” in terms of training Ukrainian aircrews on F-16s.

While military personnel continue to perform their duties even during the shutdown, civilian workers are usually furloughed for the period, Singh explained.

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