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“The upper floor fell apart”: in the first person, this was the fatal collapse

A tragic landslide left at least two people dead and more than 20 injured in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Floresta, where a construction gave way and buried dozens of people who had lived in a building occupied for several years. According to the investigators, in addition, the search for three other missing persons is still ongoing.

Soniaone of the women who had lived in the collapsed property since 2009, recounted in the first person how she experienced the dramatic event. “All of a sudden it sounded like it had exploded. The top floor collapsed”, revealed about the moment in which everything happened.

“The light went out and I was left in the dark. I got out quickly and I couldn’t grab anything but a towel. I got out when I saw that there was a hole behind me”, The woman recounted the incident in which a 35-year-old man and a 12-year-old girl died.

The woman explained in dialogue with the channel All News that the house was divided into rooms, in which each family lived; but she was unharmed because her home was in front of the building and the collapse was in the back. “I lived upstairs. I was ahead, the back was the one that fell. That’s why the neighbors in the front all went out, but the people who were in the back went downstairs,” he lamented, adding that several boys live in the property and the vast majority were able to get out because “there were people who took it out through the roof.

Sonia also maintained that the structure could have given way due to the heavy rain last Tuesday, although she remarked that no repairs had been made to the house for a long time.

The woman, who works as a street vendor, also lamented the loss of her medication and the merchandise from which she lives: “My thyroid and high blood pressure medication was left inside on the table. Tomorrow I had an appointment at the hospital”he maintained in this regard and added: “I sell on the street. My merchandise was left there. I was left with nothing. What am I going to go out to sell? Above now with all this dollar, where am I going to get. I ran out of money and no merchandise.”

The fact It occurred around 1:35 p.m. in a PH-type building located in Rivadavia at 8758, a few meters from the corner of Lacarra, where “about 30 families” and about “150 people” lived., as specified by the spokespersons of the Emergency Medical Care Service (SAME). In this context, more than two dozen people suffered injuries of different degrees and had to be treated on the spot or transferred to the Álvarez, Santojanni, Ramos Mejía and Piñero hospitals in the Federal Capital.

The Aid and Logistics Guard of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), for its part, evaluated the structure and reported that “it is unstable” and “in danger of collapsing.”for which some 40 people were transferred to nearby hostels to avoid an even greater tragedy.

According to the testimony of the neighbors, the house had been taken over by a group of families several years before and, according to an employee of a neighboring pharmaceutical franchise, the firefighters had to remove some of the survivors through the roof of the pharmacy. since they could not enter the construction due to the risk of a new collapse.

“We have referred eight injured to the Piñero and Álvarez hospitals and unfortunately there is one deceased,” explained the head of SAME, Alberto Crescenti, and confirmed that it is “a man of approximately 35 years” who was under the rubble. Shortly after, the death of a 12-year-old girl was also certified, whose body was also found among the remains of the building. Some 35 ambulances arrived at the scene to assist the injured and, as detailed, among the referred patients there are at least two boys, who were out of danger when they were evacuated.

“There were a lot of people. The inside is very unstable, it is very dangerous and the firefighters are working. We are trying to evacuate everyone and all the city hospitals are already on alert,” explained the director of SAME.

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