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The US and South Korea celebrate their 70 years of alliance amid an escalation of regional tensions

The US and South Korea celebrate their 70 years of alliance amid an escalation of regional tensions

Washington and Seoul welcome the trilateral meeting with Japan on August 18


The Secretary of the United States Department of State, Antony Blinken, has held a call with his South Korean counterpart, Park Jin, in which both have celebrated the impact of 70 years of their alliance and the continuous increase in cooperation between the two countries. .

In addition, they have welcomed the already announced trilateral meeting that they will hold with Japan on August 18 in Washington with the aim of improving relations between Seoul and Tokyo.

“The secretary and the foreign minister (…) have mentioned the tremendous regional and global impact of the 70 years of the alliance between the United States and South Korea, as well as our increasingly close collaboration on a wide range of issues urgent issues, including the violent and dangerous escalation of North Korea’s behavior, the maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and on important emerging technologies,” Blinken spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement.

The Korean peninsula has been experiencing an escalation of tensions in recent months due to both the joint military exercises between Washington and Seoul and the continuous launching of missiles by Pyongyang.

In addition, the United States has already sent two nuclear-powered submarines to the region, further angering the North Korean authorities, who have toughened their warmongering rhetoric.

That is why Washington, Seoul and Tokyo have decided to strengthen their trilateral relations, especially between the two Asian neighbors, whose ties have historically been tense, but which have begun to improve in recent months.

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