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The US assures that the summit with Japan and South Korea "not the start of a mini-NATO"

The US assures that the summit with Japan and South Korea "not the start of a mini-NATO"

Study “in depth” the information about a possible North Korean missile with Russian technology that could reach the country


The US National Security adviser, Jake Sullivan, has assured that the security summit held this Friday by President Joe Biden with his South Korean counterpart, Yoon Suk Yeol, and the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, is in no way intended to be a space annexed to NATO and intends to address specific concerns of the three countries regarding the impact of the international situation in the Indo-Pacific, with China and North Korea at the forefront.

“I want to make it clear that this trilateral summit is not the beginning of a mini-NATO,” Sullivan assured at a press conference before the meeting of the three leaders, who will give a joint press conference tonight, and that it is about its place the opening of a “new era” of relations between the three countries.

“The work that we are doing together is not new, but the joint cooperation that we are weaving to improve stability and security” in the region in the face of Beijing’s expansionist ambitions or Pyongyang’s ballistic tests is, explained the adviser. .

“This partnership is not to the detriment of anyone but to something: a vision of the Indo-Pacific as a free, open and prosperous zone, in pursuit of an affirmative agenda,” he added.

However, Sullivan did want to point out that Russia and, by extension, the war in Ukraine, is present in this regional scenario through the military relationship that Moscow maintains with North Korea in the field of supplies.

“As we have seen, Russia has been looking to get material for its war effort in Ukraine from Pyongyang from North Korea, and as they have done with other countries such as Iran,” Sullivan explained before referring to a recent report by the group of experts of the Center for Strategic and International Studies that aims to supply Russian technology for a North Korean missile capable of hitting the US.

In this regard, the advisor recalled that North Korea’s ballistic tests are subject to multiple resolutions of the UN Security Council, of which Russia is a member.

“Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. It has a greater responsibility to comply with those Security Council resolutions and while it is not doing so, it is in a kind of contempt and in flagrant violation of UN Security Council resolutions. “, he has declared before qualifying that these comments “do not validate the report but it is a matter that is being investigated in depth”.

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