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The US Justice summoned Trump employees to testify about the documents found in Mar-a-Lago

The US special counsel subpoenaed Trump employees to testify about the documents found at Mar-a-Lago. (Reuters)

workers of sea-a-lakethe residence of the former president donald trump (2017-2021) in Floridamust testify in the investigation on the handling of classified documents found by the fbi in a republican office.

At least 20 workers of the residence and the private club of the former president were summoned by the office of special counsel Jack Smithas reported by the US media on Thursday.

As part of the investigation, the prosecutor is seeking the testimony of people from the close circle of the former presidentso that they provide first-hand information about the residence where the fbi found dozens of classified documents, reviewed the chain CNN.

In November, the US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, announced the appointment of Smith to investigate both the handling of documents by the former president, who has already announced his intention to be re-elected in 2024, and his role in the storming the capitol.

The investigations into the assault on January 6, 2021 will focus, according to Garland, on finding out if there were one or more people who “interfered in the transfer of power” and in the process of ratifying Biden as president in Congress, after winning the 2020 elections against Trump.

As to sea-a-lakethe head of the Justice Department pointed out that it is necessary to investigate the management of classified documents who were there found by the FBI and find out if there were obstruction of justice during that inquiry.

In November, the US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, announced the appointment of Smith to investigate both the handling of documents by the former president, who has already announced his intention to be re-elected in 2024, and his role in the assault on the Capitol. (Reuters)

So much Mike Pence as the current president of the United States, Joe Bidenhave acknowledged finding classified documents at their respective residences, although both have made themselves available to authorities to cooperate with any possible investigation, unlike Trump.

On March 12, the former Vice President Mike Pence attacked the former Republican president donald trump, ensuring that “history will hold him responsible” for the storming the United States Capitol.

President Trump was wrong. He had no right to annul the election result (from 2020) and your reckless words endangered my family and everyone in the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable,” Pence said during the Gridiron dinner annual event attended by politicians and journalists.

Pence rated the January 6, 2021date on which a violent mob of Trump supporters attacked the seat of the us congresslike “a tragic day”.

In the days leading up to the assault on the Capitol, Trump had urged Pence to annul President Joe Biden’s election victory because he headed the protocol certification of the results. Pence refused and when the mob invaded the Capitol some chanted “hang mike pence”.

Former Vice President Mike Pence lashed out at former Republican President Donald Trump, assuring that “history will hold him accountable” for the assault on the United States Capitol. (AP)

The Committee of the House of Representatives who investigated the assault said in his final report that “the president of the United States has angered a mob that persecuted the vice president himself”.

Due to his statements, Pence has cemented his place in the broad debate within the Republican Party as to how to watch the storming of the Capitol.

(With information from EFE and The Associated Press)

Keep reading:

Mike Pence will refuse to testify before the US Court in the investigation against Trump for the assault on the Capitol
The FBI found a classified document at the home of former Vice President Mike Pence
They presented a document in the name of Mike Pence that nominates him for the US presidency in 2024, but his team denies it
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